His Mercy is More

I took a break from social media before the birth of our third daughter, Kari Elise. Kari entered the world on November 7th. She was a healthy 7lbs 8.5oz. She had a mystifying presence, as we both anticipated her to be a he. I was dumbfounded, really. Her eyes were wide and narrow, so much so Ben referred to her as "alien baby" for a time. She has a beauty all her own. Kari takes after her sisters as she is yet another reliable sleeper. She began smiling her second day of life and hasn't stopped since. The girls love her.

We were blessed with an unprecedented amount of support and compassion from family and friends from delivery onward. Ben's office surprised us with breakfast, lunch and dinner the weekend following delivery. Simultaneously a meal train started with friends from our parish. This meal train continued for two weeks. Between the meal train and the Thanksgiving feast my mom hosted at our house later that month we had enough food for at last four weeks. I still shake my head in disbelief at the generosity of people, especially given the fact that this was our third child.

Ben was able to take advantage of his remaining time off for the year, plus holiday vacation. For not planning the pregnancy is sure was perfectly timed with the calender year. Ben still works from home about 60% of the time. This type of work flexibility, is priceless. A major blessing.

My entire immediate family joined us at our home for Thanksgiving. The gathering marked the first major holiday celebrated at our home since moving to Spring, three years ago. It was simple and treasured. My sister and brother-in-law announced their pregnancy over the holiday weekend. It was truly a celebration of life, love and family.

My in-laws arrived after Thanksgiving with Kari's godfather, my brother-in-law, Andras. Shortly after my cousins, Katherine (Kari's godmother) and Annie arrived with my godmother, Mary. It was a sweet surprise to have my godmother and cousins in town to celebrate. Including my parents and Houston-area family, Kari experienced a generous reception over her baptism weekend.

In January, we enjoyed hosting another guest, my sister-in-law, Antonia. From the time Kari was born until now, we have been enjoying new company every month here and far. The added friendship and love has been well received and appreciated. Without the continual support system we would have been overwhelmed by the stress of the transition.

There were several other personal gifts that we received from friends and family which will make our year that much more manageable and enjoyable.

I share these stories because I want other women, specifically mothers to understand the benefits of prayer and support. At times I have felt isolated in Spring, since Spring isn't my hometown. There is a hesitation as an outsider when seeking support. Oftentimes support is closer than you think. I'm so grateful I re-opened communication lines mid-way through my pregnancy, especially with family. I am thankful for my neighbors and friends who have been our Spring family. Folks which helped with everything to babysitting, play dates, hospital stays, carpooling, and meal trains. People still care. And more than that people are still willing.

Don't close up. There is nothing to be gained there. Introduce yourself more often. And accept kindness, from friends AND strangers alike! We prayed to Our Lady of Guadalupe and relied on Divine Mercy the whole way through the pregnancy and beyond. We have seen what good can come in a time of great struggle and sacrifice. I wold be lost without my prayer life. I would be lost without His abounding grace and mercy. He is the cornerstone that ultimately grounds us and gives way to possibility.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean *NOT on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

*Capitalized for intended drama.


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